Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What insurance covers all risks

As we know, all car insurance policies are a sum of coverage or what is called "combined policies" that may be adapted to the needs of the insured. If we include all possibilities, which gives us the insurer is an insurance policy to all Risk.A car insurance may include coverage for personal injury or also known as vehicle occupants. Ensuring coverage for death, disability or injury following a sinister during movement of vehicle. Includes health expenditure, hospital and transfers of ambulance.Damage own car (which covers up the limits in the policy, can cover the entire damage or covered by the franchise system.) Some insurers limit the provision when they are in a collision with another vehicle, identifiable people or animals or conditional on the total casualty loss. This coverage also includes the transfer of the vehicle in to the repairs.Theft (illegal removal is compensated for by others within the limits agreed in the policy), fire (including combustion or explosion and lightning strike) and breakage of plate (guarantees placement fees and replacement of the original moons in case of breakage.) And all the additional coverage, such as: Defense fine clearance card, loans for repairs, vehicle replacement and Great damage.Damage own What are insurance own damage? Own Damage insurance covers the costs for damage to the car itself, includes scratch maneuvers so common in the garage with a lamppost accident or collision with another car, etc.. In this case there is a third party and damage can not be attributed to other insurance. How is compensation? Faced with an accident must be determined whether the damage within themselves that our insurance covers us, we compensated by new value regardless of how old he might be the car. For example, in a sinister wheels are broken. Some insurers will indemnify the amount of new (new tires), whereas another might argue that the tire was already spent before the crash and only paid a percentage of its value. The vast majority of insurance companies take over the total value of the tire when there is loss with another vehicle, in the event of a blowout by the curb, will not pay. What happens when the car is scrap metal? When a total loss of the car, ie it is impossible to repair that will give us our insurance. Ideally, our company reimburse us for new value when the car is less than two years. After two years, the companies say the total value venal.Sinister When a car is declared a total loss? When the car was stolen and does not appear, if it appears to permanent damage, when it is burned and twisted metal was as due to an accident or has broken. The car is declared a total loss when the value of repairs exceeds the amount for which he assured. Some companies consider a total loss when the value of repair is 75, 80 or 90% of insured value.
There are insurers that cover the own damage insurance, produced by a hail storm or strong wind damage to drag the car, for example, etc ...  respond to inclement weather. The most comprehensive insurance coverage includes damage to baggage or personal items amounting to 1500 euros stop. If you are transiting through a line that is not considered suitable pair driving a vehicle and had an accident, most companies will not cover the costs of repair.

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