Saturday, April 30, 2011

Frequently Asked Questions Car Insurance

1) If I buy insurance online, what information can help me that my transaction is easier?
To purchase auto insurance online is a good idea you have on hand all your personal data in this way will be easier to get a quote for the insurance of your choice. Some insurers only ask you for basic information such as zip code, driving history information and other drivers you have in your home as well as the type of car you own.
2) How much does a car insurance quote online? Normally when quoting prices of online insurance you will not be charged. This saves you from wasting time and money for a personal appointment with an insurance agent and gives you the opportunity to have the best insurance quotes without paying a penny.
3) How long will it take an insurance quote online? The quotation process has been simplified so you can receive it in minutes.
4) How I can get a quote at any time of day? Yes Unlike your insurer, the Internet business is open 24 hours a day. This allows you to get an online quote car insurance while reading the newspaper at home.
5) What is the maximum amount I can assure you in an insurance policy online? Most insurers allow a maximum of four cars and / or vehicles insured under a single policy.
6) Are there other benefits of online shopping for auto insurance? Online Recruitment Insurance offers many benefits to consumers, for example:
  • Comfort. You can hire your insurance online without leaving home.
  • Comparison. You can compare different prices from several insurers, which will save you even more money.
These are some of the most common questions people have when it comes to purchasing auto insurance online if you have any further questions in particular do not hesitate to contact the insurer or insurance provider trust.

Friday, April 29, 2011

"Carpool," a new way to save on insurance

If you want to save money on payments to your insurance company and help the environment you just have to take a few passengers and make a carpool, that is, to carpool to work, school, etc. Your passengers would have to cooperate for gasoline at regular intervals. "The advantage for insurers? You can secure several cars in the same plan and be entitled to a discount. However, you have to make sure that the coverage offered by your insurance is adequate to protect you in case of accident. Believes that accidents can be very expensive and can even bring your own claims up passengers.
You should start by comparing insurance policies they intend to employ their cars for the carpool. Each group member should call your insurance agent to make sure they have the necessary coverage. Some policies automatically cover to passengers riding in the car, sometimes not. If someone in the group will not share your information on auto insurance can be a good time to ask if that person is necessary. Some insurers even recommend that all members of the auto insurance dealing with a document certifying that an accident will be handled by the insurer.
If you have a car accident and if there is a document that guarantees the protection of other passengers, will be protected only the vehicle owner, if he or she was driving. The car owner would have to pay damages to passengers. We must have medical coverage for passengers, this will give you some peace of mind in case of accident, which is very important when driving.
While increasing your coverage with your insurance to protect your carpool may cost a little money, at first, probably this is offset by the savings they have to participate in the carpool.
Besides being a way to coexist with people in your workplace or school, the carpool is a great way to save on insurance premiums, as insurers often give discounts for low mileage or those who drive less frequently. Call your insurer and find out if you qualify.
The carpool is also a good idea to bring several children to school, but, as I indicated just now have to review your policy with your insurance agent so you get the back of your insurance in case of accident.

The best advice to reduce the insurance cost for teens

In this article I offer some tips for you to get an insurance company cheap car if you have a teenage son.
  • Buy online. Many auto insurers offer discounts to customers who buy online.
  • Unlimited mileage. Consider a mileage limit or driving only at certain times of day.
  • Car Security. Make sure you have an alarm and immobilizer.
  • Driving a car with a smaller engine. If your child uses a new small car, is less viable to reach high speeds with it and therefore display interfered in an accident. Avoid cars with large accelerations, tires, alloy wheels and other things that could easily seduce you.
  • If you can, avoid being added to the insurance of your parents. This prevents the creation of your own no claims bonus.
  • Payment method. The drivers seek to keep the cost of auto insurance, so I choose to pay monthly installments instead of a fixed annual sum. Those who take the decision of a monthly payment can expect to pay an additional fee for this option.
  • Compare insurers. Insurers do not always have the goal of insuring a teenage driver. There is no law that says you and your teenager have to be in the same insurer. If your current insurer offers a discount to add a family member to the policy, you should ask for more details. Just remember that the comparison is always important.
  • The higher your deductible, the lower your premium.
  • Cars conservatives. Some cars such as sedans, offer much better rates on insurance. If your teen has a sports car, just add it to your car insurance policy.
  • Driving. If your teenager is a graduate student with good grades, you may be entitled to a discount with your insurer.
Why insurance costs so much to teenagers?
Until you have several years of driving experience, the cost of insurance will be quite high because inexperienced drivers may be more involved in accidents than experienced drivers.
Please note that Mexican authorities maintain a register of accidents and breaches of the drivers.

Save money on your insurance 
Management Training
You can probably get a discount on your insurance policy if you complete a training course for licensed drivers, so you must complete one as soon as possible.

Choose your car wisely
If you're planning to buy a car, avoid high-performance cars or sports cars because these cars are more expensive to repair and the insurer will charge more. Consider the cost of insurance before making payment.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Auto insurance for single parents

If you are a single parent (male or female), get a car insurance cheap can be easy if you take the appropriate steps to reduce your premiums. It only takes a few steps so that single parents can reduce their premiums to the insurer.
The first thing a single parent has to do after the birth of your child is to inform the insurer. After the birth of a child, the parents added to your child to your health insurance policy, however, many times fail to inform your car insurance agent about having a new family member. Being a single parent reduces the riskiness of driving and therefore insurance premiums should be lower.
A great way to reduce the cost to insurers of cars forone-parent families is the combination of multiple policies cover the same insurer. For example, most car insurance companies also offer home insurance, and customers can take them one account at a discount.
Another great way to get a one-time reduction in auto insurance for single parents is to raise levels of deductibles, which can have a significant impact on insurance for single parents and help them control costs, they thought they could not lose.
I'ma single mother, how to save my car insurance?
In this case, what you can do is the following:
1) The safety comes first. Enjoy discounts on auto insurance for antilock braking systems known as ABS, airbags and automatic seat belts.
2) Pay in advance instead of monthly. You can make an advance for six months, this can result in huge savings in terms of the auto insurer of the question.
3) Buy a car than in recent years. Older vehicles are less replacement costs in the event and therefore require less coverage for collision.
4) raises the level of deductibles. This will help to reduce car insurance premiums from 25 to 40 percent.
5) Tell the insurer about the child. Some insurers believe that the parents of a child have less risk because the responsibility of caring for the child.
6) Even if the insurer offers homeowners insurance, many insurers evaluate homeowners and low-risk drivers and thus provides lower premiums.

Myths insurance online

Are you afraid to get a quote online car insurance because you have said it is not safe? The two myths that are most frightening to those looking for a car insurance quote is that the rate is not correct and they have to explain to the insurer on the situation in which they find themselves. Is there a rational explanation for it? No, but such fears are normal.
Insurance online offer exact rates
Rest assured that before you put the information you need on the website of the insurer, the rate you require has already been calculated by computer. The insurance agent can send the price of your auto insurance by mail or fax. Insurers are always the same algorithm used for the measurement of risk and allow clients to obtain an insurance rate without the intervention of an insurance agent.
Insurance agents have always had access to this type of algorithms, but let the client do to save you money directly to the insurer, because this or have to pay the agent commission when you buy online.
"The insurer is not going to understand if I do the trading on line
We know that many drivers have special situations. When you go online and answering the questionnaire from the insurer , pay close attention to see if one of those questions deals with your particular situation. If you do not see anything about your situation and you're still worried, call customer service and ask. The customer service representatives in insurance of cars are well versed in special situations and know what to do in each situation.
What do you need to buy auto insurance online?
If you want to be an expert in online shopping for auto insurance, you need a few things to ensure your transaction goes smoothly.
a) Need a website statement. This page is usually the first on your car insurance policy and is the one that shows your coverages and limits. Sometimes, the declaration page will also tell you the price breakdown for each of your coverages and limits.
b) blocks. If your coverage is minimal, but the default settings of your online budget is higher, your contribution will be more expensive than your current policy. If the coverage is only for the minimum required by the authorities, make sure your budget is for the shortest line. You can always increase your limits before you buy, but you have to make sure you are getting the best according to your needs.
c) Does everyone in your family drive? Report it to the insurer. When you buy a policy, the insurer needs all the information about your home (accidents, violations, etc..) So I can give you an exact quote.
d) Make, model and year of every car in your home. When you buy your policy online, you need to know how long you have had continuous coverage and how much is the current term. Your new insurer will want to know how long you have had continuous coverage. Discounts are available on some insurance, so if you have had continuous coverage for a specified period, be sure to cancel before hiring a new one.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Major insurance scams

The theft of cars, buses, vans, trucks or trailers is one of the most common crimes in several Latin American countries and is also a major cause in insurance claims, whether fraudulent or not.
While in the past, car thieves, also known as "stolen cars", used to force the victim to enter the unit to be stripped of his stuff today, using methods more difficult to detect, do not break windows, simply disconnected inside the car alarms and fleeing the scene with him. In almost every Mexican state jurisdictions, auto theft is a crime punishable by imprisonment, due to the economic and emotional distress caused the victim. But what happens when the car owner is the same thief? Here we describe the most common ways people try to deceive the insurance .
Some of the most common scams regarding auto insurance are:
  • Owner destructor. It refers to when the owner of the car theft and then pretends to destroy the car to collect the insurance money. Cars are usually found in isolated areas, burned or seriously damaged (immersed in water or buried underground).
  • False repairs. The owners whose vehicles need repairs, sometimes trying to defraud the insurer with special repairs to 30 days. Usually report that the vehicle was stolen and hidden for a month, enough time for the insurer to settle the claim. Once you pay the claim, often the car is often neglected.
  • Export fraud. After getting a bank loan for a new car, the owner gets a car insurance policy and reported that the car was stolen, but in reality is headed to another country to be sold on the black market, sea . The owner looking to pocket the insurance money and sell the car.
  • Ghost cars. The individual creates a false record to ensure the safety of a car that does not exist. Following up a complaint for theft of the car and presents a fraudulent insurance claim. In this scheme can fit the old cars or luxury, because they produce greater value in terms of settlements by the insurer .
However, some cases of theft are genuine and for these victims is a series of anti-theft devices available, such as alarm systems and steering wheel locking devices.
Finally, it considers necessary to find an easy way to make money may seem more tempting than ever in this tough economy, but saving and exploring options for insurance cost are much better ways to get cheap auto insurance.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The best types of coverage offered by insurers

Have you taken the decision to hire an insurance company car? Then you must know a few things before deciding on any particular insurer. The first thing to do is to research and learn how the car insurance and the insurer, so you're better informed and you avoid insurance fraud.
One of the first things you should know is that in matters of insurance, there are several options, such as basic liability and collision policies, in view of this, it will be easier to choose the best insurance to suit your needs.
If insurers are concerned, there are many types of coverage to choose from. The best decision is an auto insurance policy that prevents pay for repairs and medical expenses of your own pocket, but that is also a plan that fits your budget.
And how do to make the right decision? Need to know what the minimum coverage requirements in your state and do your research accordingly. Once you find the answer to each of the questions, check what other types of coverage you are offered.
The minimum coverage includes bodily injury liability, responsibility for property damage and collision insurance. The first provides coverage for damage caused to others in case of a traffic accident the insured has proved responsible. Bodily injury claims can include loss of income, medical expenses or pain, etc. Meanwhile, responsibility for property damage pays for damage to other cars and personal property damaged by an accident. In both cases it is recommended that you take the policies that go beyond the minimum requirements.
When searching for a car insurance policy, you can choose between different types of coverage. Collision coverage is one of the most popular among drivers, which pays for repairs to your car when you have an accident. Do not buy collision coverage for an old car. If you want to save money, choose a higher deductible.
The bodily injury coverage covers the insured, members of your family and your passengers for personal injury caused by a driver under insured or uninsured.
When hiring a car insurance company may want to consider a safe distance, a car rental coverage, classic car, trailer, cover personal injury protection, medical expenses, accidental death benefit or insurance against all risks. Be sure to choose a plan that includes adequate coverage at a reasonable price. Do not go for a car insurance policy because it provides the coverage you need.
Get quotes from local insurers, evaluates each offer and then make the decision. Consider your needs and budget before signing anything.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hints and tips on auto insurance

In the store. The best way to get a cheap insurance is given to the task of investigating. If you get quotes from several insurers of cars, perhaps the most expensive suit you, depending on the coverage you need. Get car insurance quotes online can be time well spent.
  • Best offer. If you are on auto insurance online that you like and gives you confidence, but you get a lower budget in another company why not contact the insurance company?
  • Policy differences. Remember, not all created by insurance policies are created equal. Look at the fine print to see what useful supplements may be included in the policy (courtesy car accident, full coverage, discounts in the event that there is no claim for insurance, etc.).
  • Misleading information. Any auto insurer, no matter how good reputation you have, you pay nothing if you provide false information. If your car has alloy wheels, you must tell the insurer. If you are a student, you can not make claims if you live in your parents' house, though you live there for a few days or a week.
  • Leave time. Many companies will contact you with a renewal premium very close to the expiration of the insurance policy. Often this means that people take the easy route and renew their auto insurer for a much better or cheaper.
  • Additional tips for cheap insurance.
a) Compare. Those who compare various prices and return with a lot of appointments with insurers. Comparing car insurance sites often ask consumers about their profession, driving record, car, house, etc. This means you have to go through each one to choose the best option.
Keep your car properly
Here are some tips for your car is in good condition.
1) A lot of attention. It is important to check the air pressure in your tires (including spare) regularly, as this will help safety and reduce fuel consumption and increase tire life.
The tire pressure should be checked when cold (stationary for at least three hours a day) and do not use them if they have been repaired or retreaded, because it will be difficult to control when traveling at high speeds.
2) Regular monitoring of your car. Check your engine oil, coolant, brake and water levels frequently.
Ensure all weekly checks recommended in the manual have been made and that no warning of the car and indicator lights.
3) The maintenance of your vehicle. Make sure your car is serviced regularly. This will help in security issues and to prolong the life of your car and save money in the long term.
4) Rules for driving. Before going check the wiring, lights and hitch and tires and the pressure they are (ideally should be around 40 PSI).
5) If you travel long way. Share the handling of the car with another person, avoid driving at night. Can be a great idea to take naps of 15 to 20 minutes if you're tired or fatigued. Driving change every hour and a half.
6) Safe driving distance. Leave at least two seconds between your car and in front of you. This equates to about eight car lengths when traveling at 60 km per hour, 12 car lengths at 80 km per hour and 16 car lengths to 100 km per hour.
If you travel in the rain may require greater distance.
7) Child Safety. The back seat is the safest place for children of all ages. Whenever possible, install the restraint in the center back position
You can install a forward facing child seat in the front seat (no air bag side impact). Always move the passenger seat as high as possible.
Do not use a child restraint system was in shock because it can be damaged.
Fits the child properly. Follow the instructions and make sure the capsule or child seat is properly equipped, with minimal sideways movement or forward on the seat of the car.
On each trip make sure the child safety harness is properly adjusted, check that the thickness of two fingers can be inserted between the harness and the child's chest.
8) Concentrate on your way to handle when driving. Never eat, drink or use a cell phone while driving, even if you're sitting in traffic. If you need to make or receive a call or you hungry or thirsty, looking for a place to perform these activities.
9) In case of accidents. Do not admit liability at the scene of an accident. Get the name and details of insurance and registration number of cars involved.
If you have a camera or a phone with a camera, take photographs of the cars involved in the incident, for any damage caused and other pertinent.
Write down the details of what happened, including details of any injury or damage as soon as possible. If you were given get information from witnesses.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why hire nearly all inadequate insurance?

Most drivers buy inadequate coverage offered by insurance and because they think it will save them money, but is this true? In the long term, this strategy may cost you more money than you save. The most expensive insurance is not necessarily the best insurance. A good cover is the amount that will cover you if there is a shock and will also allow an affordable monthly payment.
Please note that insurance coverage is not like anything else, in fact, the options that will make life easier often will cost more, but expensive policy is not always a good deal. Compare offers from different insurers and find out which one offers the services you need and how much. Weigh the cost of additional coverage with a deductible affordable price.
Most of us can not afford to have incomplete coverage from an insurer. Consider the cost of losing your car through theft or being in a car accident and lost days at work, hospital bills, recovery time, the cost of a rental car or use public transport the replacement of personal items such as CDs, cell phones, briefcases and bags, etc. What about child care, cleaning services or food costs if you can not take care of your family and home? Have you counted the costs of all other expenses you'll have to pay in your pocket for car repairs and other expenses not covered?
Considering all the things that can happen to your car, a comprehensive insurance policy is a good value conditioned that you can make your monthly payments.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Three ways to find a cheap insurance when you move

Have you made the decision to move to a new state? If so, know that there are three ways to find a cheap car insurance. The limits of auto insurance coverage can vary from state to state, so it is essential to do an investigation to find if you stay with your insurer now or looking for a new insurance company that offers best rates, ie lowest rates low.
Most auto insurers operating throughout the country. If you're happy with your current insurer, you can start to find out if it offers its services in the place where you go, and if so, ask for a quote and say you're in the process of moving.
You can then search for other insurers whose rates will be attractive to know that insurance is best for you. You can do this using the phone or through an Internet consultation. You'll meet a lot of insurers from which you can choose the one that best suits your needs or stay with your current company. However, the importance of getting different prices and shopping around can not be exaggerated, that is, if you find that prices vary too much in the place where you go, unlike your current insurer, better stay with her. Question if you have discounts and where your new home will be located.
In addition, each insurer has different requirements for people with bad driving records (infractions, fines, etc..). What require driving laws in your state? Calls for contributions, as this can greatly affect your rates. Once this is done, the last strategy is to get a cheap car insurance.
Make sure your policy contains all the discounts for which you might qualify: for example, good driver, multiple cars insured, good student, senior driver, etc.
Now that you decided to move to another state, investigating what the needs of each insurance company and the rates offered. Please note all moving expenses and looking for car insurance that offers a good price.

Tips to prevent theft of your car:
  • Stay alert. The next time you're on your way to your place of work, pay attention to drivers around. A good number of them are lost in thought, others talk on a cell phone or focus on the child they have in the back seat. Some others only listen to radio news. Many of these people have no idea what is happening around them and are easily lured into a car accident or being the victim of a kidnapping.
  • Never leave valuables in the car. If you're so careless as to leave your bag or your laptop in the back seat, you must face the consequences.
  • Avoid dark and secluded areas, especially if you travel at night. If you drive around on your own, traveling on major roads. Stay away from deserted areas and, if you're not familiar with a specific area, avoid it late at night. Plan your route so you avoid unknown areas where early or too late.
  • Familiarize yourself with the latest trends of kidnapping. The thieves are not predictable, therefore, make sure you keep up with the ways in which they operate. Also, try to keep windows and doors closed at all times and install alarms, Gear locks and tracking devices in your car.
  • See your insurer. The next time you visit your insurance get an insurance quote, do not forget to ask about additional measures you must take to protect yourself against crime.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Gap Insurance for new car

Planning to purchase a new car! Obviously you’ll insure your car and you can get a guide line in this regard from your dealer. But probably this is not the case with GAP car Insurance. Most of the dealers won’t even think of GAP Car Insurance. There may be possibilities that you may have GAP Car Insurance included in your Insurance Policy and if not, most of the dealers provide GAP Car Insurance as a package with your Insurance Policy. But is this the right way to get GAP Insurance?

If you are well aware of the working of the GAP Insurance, and you know that your dealer is providing you with good GAP Car Insurance, then you can get GAP Insurance through your car dealer. But if you are ignorant of the facts about GAP Car Insurance and your dealer does not have any idea about GAP Insurance then there may arise many questions in front of you. However, if you are dealing with a Reputable Insurance Company and you have a good knowledge regarding GAP Insurance Policy and you have done a good home work in this respect before purchasing your new vehicle, then you may know what kind of GAP Car Insurance being provided to you by your Insurance Company. And this may also be inexpensive comparative to that you buy your own GAP Insurance Policy separately.

A good knowledge about GAP Insurance can help you to decide whether to stick to your dealer for GAP Insurance or to purchase GAP Car Insurance from somewhere else. Searching for GAP Insurance online might be an easy task but remember that you are already dealing with Insurance Company, you have bought your car insurance from and it’s a better idea to inquire your Insurance Company about the GAP Insurance coverage.

There are still some facts that you must consider before you purchase GAP Insurance from your dealer or online. These facts can help you to select a good company for your GAP Insurance Policy:

Always ask your Insurance Company if they are providing you with GAP Insurance in your car Insurance.

If your Insurance Company is providing GAP Insurance to you with your car insurance policy, do not forget to inquire about the coverage.

There may be possibility that GAP Car Insurance may be included in from your financing company. Some financing companies provide additional gaps in coverage if your vehicle is totaled.

You don’t always need GAP Insurance for older vehicle.

If you haven’t bought GAP Car Insurance at the time of purchase of your vehicle, then you can purchase it after that any time.

Now all you have to do is to remember these facts about GAP Insurance and find online or in your locality a good Insurance Company which provides GAP Car Insurance Policy.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Tips to avoid fraudulent insurance online

An insurance company car does not become your best friend just because you found their website online, so every time you ask for a quote online be careful and avoid the following tricks to get the best deal possible:
1) The cheap car insurance are not necessarily the best. Let's see, the lock has two aspects: risk coverage and premium costs. The best policy is one that offers an appropriate balance between these two factors. Obviously you need auto insurance if you drive an expensive sports car. There are some situations in which cheap auto insurance may be possible, but you understand it well before making any orders online.
2) The online insurers often encourage car owners to increase their deductions and reduce auto insurance quotes. This is an option to reduce premiums universal no matter what kind of car or good driver profile you have. This should be your last attempt to reduce premiums. Make use of anti-theft devices in your vehicle or carpool (car sharing) to reduce the mileage and discounts. You can go for higher deductibles after using these options.
3) Insurance companies online give the idea that reducing the amount of coverage is something almost no importance. Remember, the car insurance is not a mere formality, but can make all the difference between economic survival and bankruptcy when you're in a car accident.
The insurer may benefit from the contributions that offer auto insurance to treat this as a formality. However, you can not afford to make the same mistake. The reduced amount of coverage is no different to reduce your monthly salary or your food intake. You can not make these decisions in the midst of financial trouble.
There are more than one way to interpret the statistics. The auto insurers want you to believe that a better understanding always leads to more raw. This can not be the case or otherwise, you'll get several complications. Avoid this and do research on your own.

The combination of several insurance policies 
Sounds good but do want your home is insured by an insurance company car? Such tricks auto insurance online can help reduce the flow, but can end up with an insurance useless to file a claim on your home insurance policy.

Friday, April 15, 2011

GAP Car Insurance

As you buy a new car from the showroom, its value starts falling rapidly right from very same moment you drive that car off from there. For example if your new vehicle costs you €30,000 and unfortunately you have an accident a month later or two, when you haven’t made a single installment into your loan amount which is close to €30,000, the purchase price of vehicle. Now you expect full coverage from your car insurance which claims comprehensive and collision but you receive the market value of the vehicle which probably is 20% to 30% lower than the purchase price. That 20% to 30% depreciation may be €6,000 to €9,000 on a €30,000 vehicle!

Here GAP car insurance helps you. GAP stands for Guaranteed Auto Protection or simply GAP in coverage between how much you owe on a vehicle and how much it is worth. GAP car insurance is low cost and indispensable. Whether you lease or buy a new car, GAP car insurance is something which you cannot skip to cut down the cost. If you do so to cut down your expenses, then this may cost you more than your  expections. There are some Insurance Companies which gives you a comprehensive coverage with GAP car insurance as well but not all of them offer you the GAP car insurance.

Thank Lord, if your insurance covers the GAP car insurance and if not then you will probably have to consider this right now you’ll have to repent over it later. Most of the companies provide GAP car insurance your one’s could be one of those.  You can contact your insurance company for GAP car insurance but if your insurance does not provide GAP car insurance then you can go for a search on Google or Bing for GAP car insurance, you will find a hundreds of companies providing GAP car insurance, because you don’t know what may happen when you sit on your car next time.

Choose the insurer most suited to your needs

Insurers in Mexico sell more policies auto insurance per year, even more than health insurance policies and household as the country having a car means a higher level in the social scale. Once someone has taken the decision to hire an auto insurer, the question is whether this is the right insurance. Do not you know? Here are some tips to guide you:
1) It is always a good idea to do adequate research before choosing an insurer. Prepare in advance to know which carrier you choose, research and compare prices and coverage.
2) Rate each insurer. The best way to check the financial health of an insurer is seeking the skills they have against the Condusef (National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services) where you can also check if the insurer question has any complaints.
Remember that an insurer's rating is just one of several factors to consider when considering a purchase. Do not assume that the insurance company must hire more qualified, if there is a policy that has the features you want, but it is not the insurer with excellent grades, evaluate and contact the insurer to give you better information.
3) Does size matter? Yes and no. Most insurers have been in business for several decades, so he knows his field, the complexities involved and know how to manage risk and assets. However, that does not mean you should not consider young insurers. There are several medium-sized insurers may be worth considering, since they have better deals than their larger counterparts.
4) Seek professional help from insurance. Most people who buy auto insurance through independent insurance agents do it for good reasons: determining how much and what type of coverage they are buying. This is not easy. A qualified insurance professional will perform a thorough analysis of your insurance needs and recommend policies that not only are based on knowledge of the qualifications of the insurer, but also in personal dealings with the companies it recommends.
5) The baseline. The insurer's right for you is one that provides appropriate recommendations appropriate, products and prices, as well as having a history of exceptional customer service and financial capacity to meet its financial obligations.
Tips for dealing with your auto insurer
1. You know the details of your car insurance policy before you have to use it. You probably already know if you have collision coverage, liability or comprehensive insurance. May receive timely information from your insurance agent to explain the terms you do not understand.
2. Do not accept the word of your insurer at the estimated value of your car. You should do your own research. The more your car is worth, the more Sherpa your insurance check if the total loss.
Remains in place when the representative of the insurer is assessing the damage to your vehicle, otherwise, you may overlook some damage.
3. If you are involved in a traffic accident call your insurance company immediately. You can get emergency assistance. Find your policy and see if there is some overlap in coverage.
Carefully review your car so you can make a written list of all damages. Photograph the damage and do not make repairs to eliminate evidence of damage until the insurance adjuster has examined.
4. Do you have an idea of ​​what it would cost to repair the damage? Do not accept the first offer if you make less than you think you should get.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cheap car insurance where to find them?

While many drivers believe they can not get lower prices with their auto insurer , this is not entirely true, since there are several ways to save on this item. One of the easiest ways to save money on auto insurance is to provide a revision to the policy. Some auto insurers changes occur every year and many people could benefit from cheaper car insurance within the same insurer who already have a policy, whether of household, life, etc. Here are some tips on saving money with your insurer .
Find a new tariff
Simply check the new rates, which often can reveal the companies that exceeded their current rates. To find an insurer at a better price, you can search the Internet several pages belonging to insurers or insurance brokers (companies that sell products from several insurers). When you put your information in the form, it will be submitted to several insurance companies. Then insurance companies will give you comfortable response formats, then you must make your comparisons.
Note that before you choose a new insurer, you have to check its stability according to data from the Condusef (National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services).
Check discount
Many insurers offer consumers a long list of possible discounts, so if you're buying a car insurance for a new insurer, ask about all available discounts. If you want to continue with the same insurer, as well: check your discounts. Can that new discounts or that your situation has changed since the day you bought the policy of your auto insurance. If you have two cars insured, check that you are receiving the appropriate discounts most insurers offer in these cases.
Reducing your insurance coverage
You may be paying for a lot of coverage may not use. Saving your car insurance depends on whether you are paying only for the coverage you need. Make sure you're not paying hundreds of dollars more in liability insurance with full coverage, if not necessary.
Compare payment methods
Cheap auto insurance can be even less expensive if you follow certain provisions of payment. For example, most insurers provide a cheaper premium if you plan to take an annual policy rather than a policy of six months. Also, the rates will be less because of the advance payment.
Czech mileage
A large portion of auto insurance rates is the mileage. These figures include year and a half mile mileage to and from work or school. If there are changes at work, school or home, you may drive less time and can qualify for a lower rate of auto insurance.
And save more on your auto insurance
Combine policies. If you currently pay for homeowner's insurance or income, then maybe you like the combination of this policy with your auto insurance policy. Most insurers offer a discount for multiple policies if you have more of an insurance policy with them.
Do you work from home? Find out if you qualify for a discount with your insurer. The car can be registered as "object for leisure." This may qualify you for additional discounts on your auto insurance policy. Basically if your vehicle qualifies as an object for entertainment, then you use less and reduce the risk of accidents.
Increase your deductible if you have savings. If you've saved a substantial amount of money, then you could increase your deductible. Of course, increases the amount of money you will pay before insurance coverage active, but the higher deductible can save a substantial amount of money on your monthly payments.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Green Car? Get him an insurer

Conceived as green cars, combining an electric motor and driven by an internal combustion engine, hybrid cars will provide great savings at the pump, but will do the same with your insurer? Not exactly.
If you quote a carrier for a hybrid car Toyota Corolla and other insurance for a normal car, the first will cost more to insure, according to the insurer to consult. The maximum discount available for hybrids is 10%, but we must also have factors such as eligibility for the discount, which varies according to the insurer. Not all hybrids qualify for a discount "green."
To receive a discount on the policy with your insurer , your hybrid needs to be a true hybrid, ie, the electric motor of a hybrid half car helps the engine with gasoline, but when the car is moving, the gasoline engine always is on. The true hybrid power move until they reach a certain speed limit. Therefore, the discount does not apply to a mild hybrid.
Auto insurance for hybrids is subject to all pricing factors used for any non-hybrid vehicle, credit history, management, geographic location, age, mileage and so on. These criteria are used to determine auto insurance rates for all cars, including hybrids. The value of the car and age are also factors in the amount you will pay for your auto insurance. The insurer must pay for repairs or replacement in case of accident, this is another reason why insurance companies charge more to insure a hybrid car, plus they are more expensive than gasoline cars.
Cars that have logged more miles higher contributions to the insurance companies here.
Driving habits and trends in claims for hybrid cars also play an important role in higher rates of your insurance. Hybrid cars have better mileage than their traditional counterparts, resulting in more auto insurance claims.
To this we must add that hybrids are becoming more involved in more accidents. This may be due in part to people who want to save on fuel hybrid vehicle prefer a normal one.
Shock leads to higher rates with your insurance company
Drivers of hybrids and hybrid luxury SUV collide more often than those traditional luxury cars and their driving counterparts. In the U.S., the Lexus GS450h car drivers, hybrids, luxury and four doors were in the most accidents of hybrids in 2009. The Fender bent and broken bumper are added to the auto insurance rates rising hybrids.

Car Insurance: Differences between men and women

Those who boast of not having made any mistakes in your life, do not exist. To err is human and there are many opportunities for people to act in the wrong ways in different life situations, including driving. It is therefore imperative that every owner has a car insurance company car to provide benefits for both the car owner to the car itself.
An insurer provides coverage for damage to the cars, including those resulting from another vehicle. Car insurance covers a variety of things depending on the type of insurance you have purchased. Always carry a premium, which is the amount a customer has to pay for insurance services. The amount of the premium depends on several factors and varies from one insurer to another.
Safe for both men and women
There are different types of commodities provided by the insurers for men and women because it is a general fact that men are more likely to be involved in an accident as opposed to women. Similarly, premiums for teens are higher and have to pay more, since they fall into the category of high risk but if they have a defensive driving course, there is the possibility of reducing the premium.
Car insurance provides coverage for expenses and deductibles also affect the coverage available, they can also provide insurance against shocks, to cover the cost of repairs to a car involved in an accident or the cash value of the vehicle, if beyond repair.
When an accident occurs, there may be serious damage to the person and the car. Along with this comes financial responsibility. At least, the last part may be refunded if the car has the insurance properly, but if the car is uninsured, you have to endure an agony due to damage to the car and the financial burden.
Most countries worldwide have made car insurance a mandatory requirement for driving. If a person is driving without insurance, will face legal charges in case of accidents, including the suspension of driving privileges and fines or imprisonment.
If you have an auto insurer can have peace of mind as the owner of the car and this would give you greater security. Every owner of a car must have car insurance as a protection on the roads.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Why do almost all auto insurers provide liability insurance?

When you have a policy of automobile insurance that provides protection in case of liability, you can take a break if you are found guilty of motor vehicle accident. Think you each time you have a car accident, it will cost money, since sometimes the cars have to be towed or need a fix, which involves bills can total hundreds of dollars, even if it is small collisions .
This means that if you cause an accident and be financially responsible for the other driver, you may not have hundreds of dollars to cover damages caused by the impact and even less so if it comes to cover health care. But with the current insurance costs, the amount of coverage can help cover certain fixed expenses. The insurance covers you at least to pay for someone else's car.
Usually, the other level of coverage is the total coverage, which is responsible for the drivers of two vehicles in case they have to blame for an accident. Coverage levels are found between these two and they can cover specific areas, but insurance liability car is always included. The amounts of insurance as to liability can also be chosen to help a driver in a serious collision. The more serious accident, will cost more and some crashes can cost more than expected.
If you talk to an insurance agent, it can help you know what kind of coverage will be better buy.
With the Internet, has facilitated the search for an insurance plan right-in fact, some web sites show that a user can visit several sites of insurance at the same time. The civil liability insurance of cars is included in these plans, and usually has a number of adjustable coverage.
Before you decide anything, ask your insurance agent to orient you on the insurance that suits you.

In Siseguros a company with over 20 years of experience in the insurance industry. We offer insurance policies from several companies in Mexico. We have some of the most prestigious vehicle insurance in the country.

Insurance MMT signing a sponsorship agreement with the Zamora CF

And is that MMT Insurance not only offers cheap car insurance , but it is committed to the national sport, and just signed an agreement with the Zamora CF to provide sponsorship. Insurance MMT collaboration with the sport consists of a close relationship with the student and basketball for a year with Real Madrid basketball. Similarly sponsored motorcycle team led by Sito Pons and has Hector Barbera and Axel Pons as pilots.
MMT Insurance is a company founded almost 80 years ago by a group of taxi drivers, a profession to which he devoted his current president. In 1983 Román Rodríguez joined the Supervisory Board. Member of the Board of Directors since the last fifteen years and president for four. MMT is the fourth one another in the automotive sector in Madrid and this collaboration with the Zamora CF is included within the plan of expansion to the rest of the country that started the insurer of the hand of the chair.
For his part, Zamora CF is the most important club in the city of Zamora. It was founded in 1969 and played in the Second Division B in Spain. Today, after 12 rounds played, is the twelfth position of the group II with a total of 15 points.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

The auto insurance rates will rise this coming year

It is estimated that auto insurance prices could experience significant drops in 2011, about 3%. To be sure, the slope would be proportional to that recorded during the previous year.
An improved global economic situation, among many other positive things, would also bring greater car use and therefore a higher risk for insurance companies. Thus, to obtain positive numbers is more difficult in times of economic boom in the days that are worse predictions.
We must also bear in mind that the almost three years of crisis we have made a park with less turnover rate, ie, has old-looking for a faster way than usual because the decline in new car sales has prevented its renewal, which can also affect the increase in claims. Also, used car sales continued a steady pace, focusing more in the aging fleet.
MMT insurance companies as insurance, specializing in the best car insurance prices , confident that the situation is not as bad for business. According to statements by its executives, "out of the economic crisis will be gradual, slow, so do not think that will affect a very negative way in the business of insurance. In MMT safe to trust it that way and we are prepared apra this or any other event of an economic nature, whether global or local character. "And so it seems because the range of insurance rates for car insurance MMT is very broad: Todorriesgo MMT, Todorriesgo Expert, Senior Todorriesgo, Combined Plus, Star Combined, Combined Basic Third. A very solid bet, as judged by the words of their leaders, they do not seem to fear the fall in prices on car insurance .

Friday, April 8, 2011

Car Insurance for young and old

Between car insurance for young and old offering MMT Insurance, is one of them that we want to emphasize: the Ecopóliza. This time we will not mention to the benefits of that insurance, if not we will tell you about the basics of it: caring for the environment and your pocket. The union of these two ideas lead to the eco-driving. This article will tell you what the eco-driving and I will list some tips to drive more environmentally friendly.
The eco-driving, driving efficient, or eco driving, is a combination of driving and driving change in attitude for maximum fuel savings. Consumption can be reduced between 10 and 15%. It has been demonstrated that it is safer.
Here are some tips for eco-driving:
  • If you drive a diesel vehicle after starting it, wait three seconds before starting to move. This will get the pump in the engine lubricating oil. If it is petrol, you must begin to move immediately after starting the vehicle.
  • When we start the surf clam, drive at moderate speeds, thereby reducing consumption and preserve the health of the motor. It is best to wait until the engine reaches a stable temperature to harness the benefits of our vehicle
  • In diesel vehicles, traveling at about 1,500 or 2,000 revolutions per minute. In gasoline, between 2,000 and 2,500.
  • Remember to use the first gear, the minimum time possible (only to start the vehicle). It is advisable to circulate at all times with the top gear is permitted us, that is, change to third at about 30 kilometers per hour speed, a fourth from 40 kilometers per hour and fifth above about 50 km hour. Always remember that better circular ss in gear by stepping on the accelerator, that fewer or lower gears without stepping on stepping.
  • Avoid city traffic in everything you can remember that urban consumption is around 20% higher than on the road. If there is no choice, always try to use the 4 th and 5 th place all that is possible.
  • Regarding the change of attitude is the key driver in advance, peacefully and respect the safety distance. Thus avoiding heavy braking, sudden acceleration and gear changes unnecessary. The goal is to maintain maximum fluency driving.
  • To reduce the speed, it's best foot off the accelerator and let the vehicle roll inertia.
  • To stop the car, provided that the speed and space permits, do as the taxi drivers: do not cut the fly.
  • Always remember that over 100 kilometers per hour fuel consumption is multiplied.
  • Always turn the engine off at stops for more than a minute.
  • On the slope, his foot off the accelerator and takes advantage of inertia, using the gear shift and brake to control speed. It is a common mistake to leave the gear in neutral, it is dangerous and, although not enough, the vehicle consumes more fuel.
  • Make sure you always refuel octane gasoline set by the vehicle manufacturer.
  • Driving with the windows down causes greater resistance to movement, resulting in increased consumption.
  • Consuming air conditioning. Use only when absolutely necessary and not down to a minus 23 degrees centigrade.
  • Do not use the roof if not needed because air resistance exercises. Remove it when empty.
  • Avoid overloading the vehicle. For every 100 kilos of additional weight, l fuel consumption increased by 5%.
  • Periodically check the engine: the condition of the same help to reduce consumption. Keep clean oil and air filter for more efficient combustion, and have the spark to the electrode in good condition and unobstructed nozzles to avoid waste combustion.
  • Check fuel filters. If plugged decrease engine efficiency as well as wearing it.
  • Remember, too, that not taking the correct tire pressure increases fuel consumption by up to 10% and reduce the life of the tire and dangerous.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Other ways to qualify for a replacement car, automobile clubs and manufacturers

In previous articles we have referred to various aspects related to the replacement car . We talked about the conditions and time limits that require us to engage the policy with an insurance company, but insurers are not the only way to qualify for this service: the associations of individual drivers or auto manufacturers tend to offer a car substitution in certain cases.
Anyway, as we have already warned in the past, prior to additional hiring should make a reflection of how we are going to be profitable. We evaluate the use we give to our car if we do many miles, if we use it specifically for the performance of our duties, etc, because according to what type of driver let us out much more profitable to rent a car in a timely manner if we can not have ours, and today there are companies hire flights that do not involve a significant outlay at all.
The Royal Automobile Club of Spain (RACE), the Royal Automobile Club of Catalunya (RACC) and the European Car (CEA) offer courtesy cars to its members in case of need, but choose a replacement car for this track has its limitations, since it generally provide for a short period of time and then must be associated with the taking over of expenditure. In addition, it is often a necessary condition that the beneficiary of the service car repair workshop in the club network to which it belongs.
Besides, partnerships allow us to hire separate policies. For example, the RACE insurance provides replacement vehicle in two types of contracts: in case of accident or theft, or accident, theft and damage. The first extension includes a legal defense to that of the already available for car insurance, second expert opinion in case of disagreement and defense disputes with other insurance policies in case of disaster. The second category also includes the damage to a case of insolvency of guilty and the claim contrary to the repair shop where the vehicle defective.
For its part, the CEA offers a replacement car for a limited time at an exclusive price for members in case your vehicle breaks down, is in the workshop, or take to deliver the new vehicle at the dealership. The CEA offers unlimited mileage, including positions as an additional driver or young driver, the car has no collision or theft excess and can be returned to another base in Spain different from the collection.
But even a replacement car can also come through the dealership where we bought our car, because some brands of cars offer this service if the newly acquired vehicle is a fault which is covered by the warranty contract, which runs for two years after purchase.
However, this service also is subject to limitations. Some brands limit it for days, others only cover you if you happen during the trip, if the repair takes longer than 24 hours, etc. It is necessary to note that this is a service that is not regulated by law, so each manufacturer applies its own terms.

Get a good deal on Car Insurance

Get a good deal on Car Insurance

I am like most people, with very little time to spare, and not enough hours in the day. I now pay a lot of bills online in the evening, when I am on the computer. It is especially useful with car tax, because before it was possible to pay online, I used to line up with the rest of the world at our local post office, willing the queue to go down because I was , as usual, in a hurry. That was after I had searched for all my car document papers, which never seem to be in the same place twice, and no-one else has ever moved them.

Last year when my renewal came in, the quote was a bit steep. When I rang my insurers, they said it was because I was now 65. That statement made me feel I was over the hill and past it, as far as driving was concerned, but then I sat down and thought about it.

Am I past it really?

My sight and my health are good, I am physically fit, I swim, play badminton, and walk every where with my dog, in fact I am probably more active now than I was 10 years ago, as once I reached 60 I made up my mind that the saying, ” Use it or lose it,” could well apply to me.

As far as I am concerned, my age is just a number, so I went on the inter net to get a better quote. I found a wonderful introductory offer, which pleased me greatly, and they didn’t care about my age. Having said that, believe it or not, some companies refused to quote at all. I found that outrageous that they prejudged me, as I know someone of 30, with poor sight, and lots of physical ailments, and yet she is treated normally.

Well that was last year, but on renewal this year, when I am now heading towards 67, but no different, they tried to whop the price up again. So I hunted around and found another insurance company with an introductory offer

But it doesn't pay to be loyal any more

For years I was loyal to the same insurance company, but it now looks as though I will have to change every year to get a decent price. It is hard to run a car these days, as petrol keeps rising too, but it’s my independence, and I’m not ready to lose it yet.

I would like to add, I have a maximum no claim bonus, and I am a safe driver, but I think these companies thrive on the fact that most people haven’t got time to compare prices, so they just pay up for convenience.

In fact, if someone else offers lower, they will usually lower the price. Shame on them, they should have kept it low in the first place!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Meet the MMT Insurance Workshop

If you trust offered MMT insurance insurance and you have one of them, either a third-party insurance , all risk or any other form, you can enjoy the benefits of MMT Insurance Workshop.
The workshop Mutual, established in 1932, has spacious 10,000 m2 facility in the Calle Marques de Mondéjar 25, in the heart of Madrid, close to Plaza de Ventas. This large area of the repair service is capable of more than 40 interventions per day, with rapid repair, replacement of windows and high repair equipment.
Ensuring the quality and speed of repairs is the philosophy of working in the Insurance MMT Workshop. To this end, the facility has a staff of 80 dedicated people, equipped with latest technology and an integrated computerized management system. This allows quick and efficient attention far beyond any other shop in the market, being the "speed" Our main added value.
Workshop services are directed exclusively to the mutual insurance policyholders in MMT. The number of cars repaired (80% of the taxi industry) and the variety of models (20% of cars for private use), present a challenge and a commitment to the highest standards in speed and quality, two features of the Workshop in tune to market requirements and always geared to the needs of customers.

How to choose a good car insurance

When an insurance contract, a time now we have the advantage of the Internet. On the Internet we can find the best automobile insurance . The major companies have their own applications that budget your insurance, and if we compare between different pages there are also insurance brokers save us looking for work and the cheapest insurance that best suits our needs.
One must know how to choose the right car insurance because prices and coverage can vary greatly from company to company. It is also important to apply an appropriate selection criteria when choosing our coverage to meet no surprises unpleasant situations or when the truth is, when the accident occurred.
A good idea is to seek opinions from other users in specialized sites, but be careful, not everything we read will be true, keep in mind, anyone can comment and maybe someone else does interest on a particular company. It is important to abstract from individual opinions and extract the advantages and disadvantages based on what the majority opinion.
The most common coverage that insurance offered, beyond the mandatory ones, are:

Travel Assistance

Total theft coverage

Partial theft coverage

Fire Coverage

Withdrawal of license.

Defense traffic fines and penalty points.

Severe mechanical breakdown warranty.

What insurance covers all risks

As we know, all car insurance policies are a sum of coverage or what is called "combined policies" that may be adapted to the needs of the insured. If we include all possibilities, which gives us the insurer is an insurance policy to all Risk.A car insurance may include coverage for personal injury or also known as vehicle occupants. Ensuring coverage for death, disability or injury following a sinister during movement of vehicle. Includes health expenditure, hospital and transfers of ambulance.Damage own car (which covers up the limits in the policy, can cover the entire damage or covered by the franchise system.) Some insurers limit the provision when they are in a collision with another vehicle, identifiable people or animals or conditional on the total casualty loss. This coverage also includes the transfer of the vehicle in to the repairs.Theft (illegal removal is compensated for by others within the limits agreed in the policy), fire (including combustion or explosion and lightning strike) and breakage of plate (guarantees placement fees and replacement of the original moons in case of breakage.) And all the additional coverage, such as: Defense fine clearance card, loans for repairs, vehicle replacement and Great damage.Damage own What are insurance own damage? Own Damage insurance covers the costs for damage to the car itself, includes scratch maneuvers so common in the garage with a lamppost accident or collision with another car, etc.. In this case there is a third party and damage can not be attributed to other insurance. How is compensation? Faced with an accident must be determined whether the damage within themselves that our insurance covers us, we compensated by new value regardless of how old he might be the car. For example, in a sinister wheels are broken. Some insurers will indemnify the amount of new (new tires), whereas another might argue that the tire was already spent before the crash and only paid a percentage of its value. The vast majority of insurance companies take over the total value of the tire when there is loss with another vehicle, in the event of a blowout by the curb, will not pay. What happens when the car is scrap metal? When a total loss of the car, ie it is impossible to repair that will give us our insurance. Ideally, our company reimburse us for new value when the car is less than two years. After two years, the companies say the total value venal.Sinister When a car is declared a total loss? When the car was stolen and does not appear, if it appears to permanent damage, when it is burned and twisted metal was as due to an accident or has broken. The car is declared a total loss when the value of repairs exceeds the amount for which he assured. Some companies consider a total loss when the value of repair is 75, 80 or 90% of insured value.
There are insurers that cover the own damage insurance, produced by a hail storm or strong wind damage to drag the car, for example, etc ...  respond to inclement weather. The most comprehensive insurance coverage includes damage to baggage or personal items amounting to 1500 euros stop. If you are transiting through a line that is not considered suitable pair driving a vehicle and had an accident, most companies will not cover the costs of repair.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Insurance For Cars: Premiums Could Fall In 2010

As already stated on more than one occasion, insurers are looking to spend a health crisis for which many employers had been killed. But considering that the business of insurance companies is anti-cyclical,

projections for 2010 should invite a number of considerations that may not be glad to investors and managers of insurers.
It is estimated that insurance premiums for cars may experience significant declines during the course of 2010, the estimated percentage would be around 4%. To be certain this estimate, the drop would be in the same proportion as that recorded during the previous year. But those who hope that this decline is moderated by an improvement in claims, should be told that do not have much hope.
None of the experts on insurance, in general, and specifically car insurance, you think of venturing in that direction. An improved global economic situation, among many other positive things, would also bring greater car use and therefore a higher risk for insurance companies. Thus, to obtain positive numbers is more difficult in times of economic boom in the days that are worse predictions on economic growth and prosperity.
It is almost certain that the insurance industry for cars will not see their premiums increase over 2010, although it is possible for companies to raise their values. We must also bear in mind that the almost three years of economic recession we left a car park less turnover rate, ie the car park circulation, active, old-looking is a faster way usual as the decline in sales of new cars has prevented its renewal, which can also affect the increase in accidents on the road.
Also, the sale of used cars has continued a steady pace, driven by the search for better prices to the future economic concerns of buyers, further affecting the aging fleet.
Insurance companies hope that the situation is not as bad for business. According to statements by executives of insurance companies, "out of the economic crisis will be gradual, slow, so do not think that will affect a very negative way in the business of insurance. We trust that way and we prepared for this or any other event of an economic, either global or local character. "
And so it seems in a company like Insurance MMT, as its range of car insurance is vast:  Third. A very solid bet, as evidenced by the words of its executives do not seem to make us fear for the course of the business of car insurance .

Car insurance, premiums may fall in 2010

As we have said on more than one occasion, insurers are looking to spend a health crisis for which many employers had been killed. But considering that the business of insurance companies is anti-cyclical, projections for 2010 should invite a number of considerations.

It is estimated that insurance premiums for cars may experience significant declines during the course of 2010, the estimated percentage would be around 4%. To be certain this estimate, the drop would be in the same proportion as that recorded during the previous año.Sin But those who hope that this low to moderate due to improved claims experience, we must tell them not to have many hopes.

None of the experts on insurance, in general, and specifically car insurance, you think of venturing into this sentido.Una improving global economic situation, among many other positive things, would also bring greater use of cars and, thus a higher risk to insurance companies. Thus, to obtain positive numbers is more difficult in times of economic boom in the days that are worse predictions.

It is almost certain that the insurance industry for cars will not see their premiums increase over 2010, although it is possible for companies to raise their valores.También must be borne in mind that about three years we have been of economic recsión has left a car park less turnover rate, ie, has old-looking for a faster way than usual as the decline in sales of new cars has prevented its renewal, which can also affect the increase accidents on the road.

Also, the sale of used cars has continued its way steadily incidienco further in the aging fleet.

Insurance companies specializing in insurance for cars, is confident that the situation is not as bad for business. According to statements by executives of insurance, "out of the economic crisis will be gradual, slow, so do not think that will affect a very negative way in the business of insurance.

In MMT Seguros, one of the leading companies in car insurance , it is hoped to be the case and prepare for it or any other event of an economic nature, whether global or local.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Little known aspects of insurance

Discounts "Good Student"
Are you one of those parents who like to boast the skills of your child with neighbors, friends or colleagues? Why not brag about your insurance ? Several insurers offer discounts on auto insurance if your college kids make good grades, so all you have to do is ask your insurance agent if the insurer offers discounts to students with good grades and driving a car. Many insurers do not like to provide such information, so ask. Discounts can be up to 35%.
If you investigate a little and find insurers that have programs for "Good Student", investigates the conditions that must be met to qualify.

Increase your deductible
If you have a complaint, the money you pay can lower your monthly payment to the insurer , so if you consider to be a safe driver and low risk, you can have a higher deductible. If you've had a few claims in the past, pay a little more each month can be a more financially secure path.

Select your car
Choose carefully before buying, some cars are more likely to be stolen than others. Check with your insurer to see what the insurance rate according to the order of the question. In addition, any car whose performance is considered athletic, tall and good brand, can dramatically increase the monthly rate of insurance.

See if there are discounts or promotions online before buying any insurance. And if you're on the phone with a representative of the insurer, be sure to ask if there are any special discount.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

How to handle the theft of your car?

One of the reasons for increase your monthly payment to the insurer of autos is stealing your car. While car theft is not a common situation in all areas of a locality, it is something that can affect everyone. If you want to avoid a claim for theft to your insurance, there are some important things to do.
Here are some ways to prevent your car from being stolen:
  • Taking into account the limitations of the systems installed by the manufacturer. The most experienced car thieves manage to avoid theft systems installed by the manufacturer. Therefore, if you really want to protect your car, you should consider using other anti-theft system. The advantage is that these systems are usually a little more complex and sophisticated than those installed by the manufacturer. You put one of these systems can help you get a discount on your auto insurance.
  • Do not underestimate the appeal of your car. The older cars, in some cases, often the most popular for thieves. In fact, old cars are stolen for the value of its parts, while new vehicles are more likely to be stolen because of its popularity.
  • Do not assume things about your insurance coverage. Check your policy carefully to see what coverage you have. If your car is to rent out if you have car insurance . In many cases, the insurance policy does not include car rentals, unless otherwise stated in the contract.
  • Stick to the basics of security. No matter what type you have installed anti-theft systems, there are some basics about cars to know if you want to prevent your car from being stolen:
a) Park in lighted areas.
b) Try not parking spot near the exit of a parking lot or you will make your car an easy target.
c) Note that approximately one third of all vehicle thefts occur at home, then make sure the ride in your car is locked, even when only stations you for a moment.

Auto insurance for classic cars

If you own a classic car, you surely know that this car requires a little love on the side of the insurers . These are some of the basics you should consider before hiring an insurance for your classic car:

Differences between the old and classic car
How old is the car? This can play an important role in the classification of your car to the insurers. Basically there are two major classifications when it comes to finding a good insurance classic car:
  • Classic car. The classic cars generally were manufactured between 1940 and 1970. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. An example would be a DeLorean, which is no longer manufactured but has a large following. 
  • Antique car. This classification applies to cars made ​​before 1940. If the car in question is an old car talk to your insurance agent to see what rating it deserves.
These rankings do not mean that a car insurance rate is better or worse. For example, a 1920 Ford T car is classified as old and will have an insurance rate cheaper than a Ferrari 1960 33 TRI / LM. The reason? The Model T was manufactured in the millions, while in the case of Ferrari, will be lucky to find one.

Restrictions apply more than the speed limit
The restrictions will also be a big part of your car insurance policy. Once you find an insurer that meets your needs, you have to talk to your insurance agent about what insurance can do for your car.
These restrictions can range from something as simple as taking the car to be seen in the insurer to being able to drive only in parades, Sundays or holidays. Apply even to how to park your car and keep it in the garage and may be even higher depending on vehicle. In fact, insurance rates may come up if someone in your house have a speeding ticket and even if there are several drivers, can be assigned a specific day each to drive the car.
Be sure to consider what kind of car you have (classic or old) when you start hunting for an insurer to be able to enjoy more comfortable rides on wheels.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Do your homework when looking for an insurance

Unless you're a journalist, forensic scientist or archaeologist, we assure you'll need to do some research when you're looking for a good insurer of cars, but quiet, we know that is very boring and so wrote this text to help you.
Protecting your car
The first step is to research among your friends and especially among those having a car much like yours, in matters of price, space, etc. Ask references about their insurance, the type of auto insurance coverage they have and how much they pay. After all, the last thing you do is think you're in good hands, only to discover that your insurer will not support a major accident.
Important insurance
If that does not help much or you just want to make a better decision, just check the ratings of the insurers in Condusef (National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services), this will give a better view about which provides the best services and in what areas. Although these ratings do not really say much about the nature of each insurer , will speak on financial stability, which is the first thing you should look because you will realize how you would address if you file a claim.
However, financial stability is not the only thing to look out for in an insurer. It is also desirable to have a good service and speedy processing of claims. The key is to find a professional and quality insurance.
Other considerations
  • Talk to repair shops. One of the best sources of information about insurance are automobile service shops. Find a trusted shop and ask about their experiences with insurance companies.
  • Talk to an insurance agent. There are a number of auto insurers that do not allow you to buy insurance directly, but through an agent. An insurance agent is a point of contact you can use in an accident. You may consider an exclusive agent of a particular insurance company or anyone working for several insurance companies.
  • Check which company has the best discounts. There are many discount programs available in most auto insurers. Ask for things like the discount for multiple or multi-line insurance.

Avoid fraud insurance when you get a shock

When you suffer an auto accident can be frightened and frustrated, so the last thing you expect is to make you worry about fraud in your car insurance during a time like this. Unfortunately, many people who take advantage of the situation, either because they do not want to face higher rates with the insurer , to which they were drinking and did not want to be imprisoned or do not want to face a legal problem.
Of course there are other ways you can become a victim of fraud or a scam after a car accident. However, there are some important steps you can take if you do get involved to protect you.
* Gather as much information as possible. This includes exchanging information with the other driver and asked for the number of your driver's license and auto insurance card. Try to get the names of everyone involved and take some pictures of the damaged vehicles. Do not forget to get a name, address and phone number for all people in the other car.
  • Document the consequences of the accident. Get detailed pictures of damage to each vehicle.
  • Call the police. Every time there's an accident, be sure to be documented by local authorities. Get a report of police officer on the scene or following any procedure in your state or locality to have a copy. Asked the officer what is its name.
  • Beware of ambulance chasers. There are people who you say you're going to go for a doctor, a lawyer, a crane or a mechanic. Be careful. You can be the victim of a trap.
  • Keep all receipts and proper documentation. Request itemized bills for services you receive, including the repair or medical bills.
  • Never sign an insurance claim form blank. If you do could be used against you when it comes time to collect damages and insurance payments.
Types of fraud
To understand what fraud auto insurance and how much you do, you may find useful the knowledge of some types of insurance fraud. Normally there are two categories of fraud and each has its characteristics.
Hard Fraud. It involves creating an event that would be covered by insurance . This can include things like:
  • Stages or intentional accidents. Includes such things as intentional rear shock as well as people who set fire to your car intentionally.
  • False claims of injury. This includes both people who were actually involved in the accident and others who were not even in the car at the time of the accident.
  • Car accidents in which the demands of the driver who caused the accident fled the scene.
Soft fraud. Usually it involves someone who has a legitimate right, but that fills the claim to get more money from the insurer. Examples include:
  • Adding previous damage to the car on the claim to the insurer.
  • Conspiracy with the auto repair shop or the insurance adjuster to increase the repair estimate.
  • Conspiracy with the medical staff to receive and / or project procedures are not necessary.
Insurance fraud can involve everyone from mechanics to claims adjusters. Be alert on how to prevent fraud and make you talk to a lawyer if you require.

The most important factor in car insurance

Although there are a number of factors that contribute to the premium rates from your insurer of cars, traditionally believed to be the most important are the make, model and year of your car, but according to a recent study, this may not be true.
The report looked at more expensive cars covered by insurance, and cars whose coverage is less expensive. While the make, model and year of car are essential factors, driver age also plays a role in terms of percentages given by insurance companies.
Let's talk for example of the Mitsubishi Lancer, one of the most expensive cars to insure, the Scion Tc, the Hyundai Tiburon or Tuscani Hyundai and Subaru Impreza WRX, which are some of the vehicles included in the list of high rates of insurance premium . These cars tend to be bought and driven by youth.
At the top of the list of cars more expensive for insurers is the Cadillac Escalade EXT and is usually a good target for crime. In the bottom of the list are five cars like the Buick Rendezvous and the Honda Odyssey, which are cars driven by young people. According to the report, older drivers tend to be more responsible and prudent young drivers.
Consider that even if you have a car not expensive to insure, the insurer will charge more if the insurance is for a young person to someone older. Of course, if you're young you can save a little if you buy a car that is not among the top of the list.
Insurance for young drivers 
Even if you are rich and have an independent business, allow your child to touch the steering wheel can be an expensive proposition with your insurer. While we can not change that, we offer some suggestions to help minimize the impact of this phase.
  • Buy a car with four doors. The young like to present fresh and resilient, but teens should not be allowing any car of this type until they come of age.
  • Make sure your car has a good safety rating. This is important beyond to help you save some money in payments to your auto insurer.
  • Set firm rules about the use of the car. Let your children know clearly what the rules regarding the use of cell phones in the car, the radio volume and how many friends are allowed in the car.
  • Your children should be added to your auto insurance. This is not something to save money on paying your premiums, but that your child is protected in case of an accident. The last thing we want is to file a claim if your child has an accident and the adjuster can not serve you because you are not added to your auto insurance .