When you suffer an auto accident can be frightened and frustrated, so the last thing you expect is to make you worry about fraud in your car insurance during a time like this. Unfortunately, many people who take advantage of the situation, either because they do not want to face higher rates with the insurer , to which they were drinking and did not want to be imprisoned or do not want to face a legal problem.
Of course there are other ways you can become a victim of fraud or a scam after a car accident. However, there are some important steps you can take if you do get involved to protect you.
* Gather as much information as possible. This includes exchanging information with the other driver and asked for the number of your driver's license and auto insurance card. Try to get the names of everyone involved and take some pictures of the damaged vehicles. Do not forget to get a name, address and phone number for all people in the other car.
To understand what fraud auto insurance and how much you do, you may find useful the knowledge of some types of insurance fraud. Normally there are two categories of fraud and each has its characteristics.
Hard Fraud. It involves creating an event that would be covered by insurance . This can include things like:
Of course there are other ways you can become a victim of fraud or a scam after a car accident. However, there are some important steps you can take if you do get involved to protect you.
* Gather as much information as possible. This includes exchanging information with the other driver and asked for the number of your driver's license and auto insurance card. Try to get the names of everyone involved and take some pictures of the damaged vehicles. Do not forget to get a name, address and phone number for all people in the other car.
- Document the consequences of the accident. Get detailed pictures of damage to each vehicle.
- Call the police. Every time there's an accident, be sure to be documented by local authorities. Get a report of police officer on the scene or following any procedure in your state or locality to have a copy. Asked the officer what is its name.
- Beware of ambulance chasers. There are people who you say you're going to go for a doctor, a lawyer, a crane or a mechanic. Be careful. You can be the victim of a trap.
- Keep all receipts and proper documentation. Request itemized bills for services you receive, including the repair or medical bills.
- Never sign an insurance claim form blank. If you do could be used against you when it comes time to collect damages and insurance payments.
To understand what fraud auto insurance and how much you do, you may find useful the knowledge of some types of insurance fraud. Normally there are two categories of fraud and each has its characteristics.
Hard Fraud. It involves creating an event that would be covered by insurance . This can include things like:
- Stages or intentional accidents. Includes such things as intentional rear shock as well as people who set fire to your car intentionally.
- False claims of injury. This includes both people who were actually involved in the accident and others who were not even in the car at the time of the accident.
- Car accidents in which the demands of the driver who caused the accident fled the scene.
- Adding previous damage to the car on the claim to the insurer.
- Conspiracy with the auto repair shop or the insurance adjuster to increase the repair estimate.
- Conspiracy with the medical staff to receive and / or project procedures are not necessary.
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