Friday, May 6, 2011

Reduce your insurance premiums through telework

If you have ever called an insurer to request an insurance quote, you may already know that one of the first questions that the insurance agent will tell you concerning the number of miles you travel each year on your car. Statistics show that the more you're on the road, the more likely you are to be involved in an accident and the higher your premium. But those odds are reduced if you work from home.
Today, more and more companies allow their employees to work remotely or from home and, indeed, in the midst of a recessionary economy, many people are starting businesses that can respond remotely and not from an office. Working from home reduces the time you spend on the road and some insurers have already taken up by what they offer special rates teleworker. If your insurer does not have this type of program, it's worth calling and let them know of the reduction in the number of miles you drive because now working from home.
If your employment will be prohibited from working from home, talk to your boss about the possibility of doing your work from your home at least one or two days a week. If your company does not have any teleworker, suggests working from home on a trial basis for the supervisor and the company can be sure that it will not affect your productivity.
Be sure to mention how the company can benefit by reducing overheads. Also reduce what you spend on gas and how much to pay your premiums auto insurance .
It also may reduce your premiums with the insurance during periods of unemployment, even if you have several interviews to which to turn. Chances are you're on the road less frequently. Talk to your insurer and see if you can reduce your rates temporarily while looking for work. Better yet, try to find a job that lets you work from home.

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