Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Car Insurance Companies Are Victims of Scams

There are unscrupulous people who abuse the insurance companies, encouraging traffic accidents for the sole purpose of collecting insurance policy and thus easy money, this occurs in most of the world, but there are places to call this level for some exceeds tolerable way and that's when insurance companies face the need to raise insurance premium costs, or as in the case in Florida where it is considering the idea of ​​implementing a mandatory program of guilt, ie that the fault for the accident is not covered by insurance.
Many car insurance companies need to explore legal options to help combat fraud. For example, with medical injuries and whiplash, the insurance companies have their own doctors to be able to do a medical examination of the person making the claim.
Another option provided within the precautionary measures against these types of scams is that people who claim the insurance coverage should be questioned about their accidents under oath, so that more before it is discovered that the person has committed fraud This could be charged with perjury.
Although there is the fact that many auto insurance companies do not continue with the investigation of possible cases of fraud, as they prefer to pay the money for the claim to spend thousands of dollars in legal fees. This is why a feasible option would be to use arbitration and make further investigations are believed to be achieved breakthroughs in the fight against fraud to comment on car insurance.
The number of cases of fraud continues to increase, the costs of policy also, and finally, people refuse to be insured is the responsibility of government to provide cheap insurance for the population, which should take adequate steps to correct this, reaching agreements with insurance companies and always taking the welfare of the population.

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